History of the United Methodist Church
Clearwater, Kansas 1885 – 2010
The town of Clearwater Kansas had its beginning as a small settlement in 1874 or earlier, along the Ninnescah River where the Chisholm Cattle trail crossed the river one mile southeast of the present city limits. The Presbyterian Church was the first to organize in this territory, Feb 3, 1874. But interest in a Methodist Church organization began in the Western School House north of Clearwater, not long after that time.
A charter was granted for the Clearwater Methodist Episcopal Church by the State of Kansas. The first pastor was Rev. John L. Rose. The following charges on the Clearwater Circuit were New Sweden, Mayflower, and Independence.
March 23, 1885For fifteen years, services were held in the Presbyterian or Baptist Church. Land was purchased from the Clearwater Building and Loan Association for $250. An abandoned creamery in the northwest part of Clearwater was bought, moved to S. Lee, remodeled, and became the first building owned by the Methodist Church. New Sweden Methodist Episcopal Church and Silver Creek Church disbanded. The memberships transferred to the Clearwater Church.
September 29, 1900Independence Church disbanded and most of its congregation transferred to Clearwater.
October 1949The growing interest in Sunday School and church was straining the room availability. There were five classes being held in the sanctuary. The men’s class was meeting in the bank and the class of nine year olds was taught in the kitchen.
1940 & 1050’sThe Women’s Society had money from sausage suppers, chicken dinners, and doughnut days and voted to purchase lots for a new church building. They first secured an option on two acres of pasture for $500. Later the land was purchased at a cost of $1,862.
September 1955A ground breaking ceremony was held under the leadership of Rev. Richard Hardesty.
July 7, 1957The first phase of construction was completed and final payment made.
January 7, 1958The last phase of building began.
March 1958Corner stone was laid on Easter Sunday.
April 7, 1958The 75th Anniversary. The Consecration Service in the new sanctuary.
July 1960The church sponsored a Cuban refugee family. A furnished house was ready for them and the first month's rent paid as a part of the "Flight for Freedom" program. Laureano & Ana Prieto and their son and daughter became a part of our church family. Berd Daferner, from Germany stayed with the Don Wise family. Marcia Maechtlen, from our church, went to Germany as part of the International Christian Youth Exchange program.
December 1962The church held a ceremony to burn the mortgage on the new building. That same year, a parsonage was purchased at 600 E. Hellar. The first parsonage was located at 151 S. Lee.
July 1967The name of WSCS was changed to United Methodist Women.
January 1973Total full church membership was 531.
November 23, 1975There was a need for additional church space. The children's Sunday School classes were already crowded and all of them were combined groups. There were four adult Sunday School classes held each Sunday in Fellowship Hall. Architects were hired along with a building committee appointed. The corner "Murphy Home" was purchased by two members of the congregation and donated to the church. That same year, a birthday party for the Clearwater United Methodist Church was held to celebrate 100 years in the community.
November 3, 1985Groundbreaking ceremony for the Family Life Center.
July 1996Consecration Service for the new Family Life Center. The three former ministers were present: Charles (Chuck) Winkler, Duane Dyer, and Jim Hlad. Rev. Martin Holler read the statement of purpose for the service. The congregation moved to the new building, where John McMillen presented the building to the church. Chuck Winkler led the Act of Consecration Service and Rev. Holler gave the closing prayer.
August 27, 2000After eight years of hard work by church members, the loan of the Family Life Center was paid down, but still had a balance to be paid. With the sale of the church parsonage, along with additional contributions, the church bulletin proudly announced that the Family Life Center was now paid in full.After eight years of hard work by church members, the loan of the Family Life Center was paid down, but still had a balance to be paid. With the sale of the church parsonage, along with additional contributions, the church bulletin proudly announced that the Family Life Center was now paid in full.
October 19, 2008Family Life Center Mortgage Burning Celebration
June 6, 2009125th Anniversary Celebration
August 29, 2010